This is an add-on feature. Please contact your Product Specialist for more information.

ACCME Web Service allows external systems, like EthosCE, to dynamically open and update ACCME Activity records. This is an additional feature, supplementing the ability to download the full ACCME PARS XML report, for uploading to ACCME.

At predetermined intervals, EthosCE will check for new enrollments since the last successful web service update. When sending each update, the full, updated, ACCME Activity is sent, with new enrollment counts, including any changes to ACCME data fields.

The sending of the ACCME activity in full, each web service call, can result in a new ACCME Activity being created in PARS, under certain conditions. Caution is advised if changes are found, or required, in any of the following ACCME fields: Activity Type, Activity Duration, ACCME Activity ID, or Provider Activity ID.

Successful update attempts are logged internally, and failed attempts are re-queued for sending later.

Manual enrollments and unenrollments

If users are manually enrolled, the course will need to be updated manually to resubmit participant counts to PARS. This can be done by saving the course, or in bulk by using the ACCME report in the admin menu at "Administration" > "Reports" > "Course reports" > "ACCME report"

To update a course in PARS or JA PARS

  1. Navigate to the course and click "Edit"

  2. Click "ACCME"

  3. Ensure "Enable ACCME" is checked.

  4. Click "Save"

See how to bulk update courses!