Using the EthosCE Web Services feature, users have the ability to update enrollment group course lists via a PUT update call.


The list sent in field_enrollment_group_courses, is a complete update of values, it is not additive. For instance, given an enrollment group with 6 courses associated, node ids 101 - 106, if an update is made containing only 3 values, node ids 201 - 203, only the 3 newly sent courses will appear under Activities. The original 6 courses will no longer be associated with the Enrollment group, however, they will remain in the system, with all associated learner data.

The payload below will update the the enrollment  group course list for adding courses nids 4, 5, and 6.

Updating courses in an enrollment group

    "field_enrollment_group_courses": [
            "id": 4
            "id": 5
            "id": 6