Editing Preferred Timezone Display

Users may select a preferred timezone during account registration and by editing their profile settings. The preferred timezone selection feature will automatically convert activity start/end times to the users preferred time zone of choice. The preferred timezone selection is adjusted based on the site’s default global timezone setting. If you are unsure what your EthosCE default time zone setting currently is, or wish to adjust to the global site timezone, please open a support ticket.

Adjusting the preferred timezone

  1. Click on the ‘My Account’ link.

  2. Click the ‘Edit’ tab.

  3. Under Local Settings, select the preferred timezone display.

Additional site configurations for user facing timezone display and selection

EthosCE provides additional timezone display and selection configurations that may be adjusted as needed for all sites. The additional configurations available include:

1. Users may set their own timezone (enabled by default)

  • When enabled (default), users will be able to set their own timezone preference which will automatically adjust the date/time to their selected timezone.

  • When disabled, administrators can restrict site users from selecting their own timezone display. This provides a single timezone displayed across the entire site which is not adjusted by a user’s profile locale timezone selection. The site will display all date/times using the site’s default global timezone setting.

2. Remind users at login to set their preferred timezone (enabled by default)

  • When enabled (default), users will be prompted to make a timezone selection within their profile upon login.

  • When disabled, users will not be prompted to make a timezone selection within their profile upon login. The user’s timezone display will default to the global site timezone. Users will still be able to adjust their preferred timezone settings if configuration #1 (above) is set to enabled. Users will not be able to set their default timezone if configuration #1 (above) is set to disabled.

3. Set a default timezone option for users during registration

This configuration provides three options for setting the user’s default timezone during account registration. The three optional settings include:

  • Set newly registered user’s preferred timezone to site’s global default timezone. This can be changed at a later time if configuration #1 (above) is enabled.

  • Set newly registered user’s preferred timezone to empty. This will select no preferred timezone option and default all date/time displays to the site global timezone setting. This can be changed at a later time if configuration #1 (above) is enabled.

  • Users may set their own preferred timezone setting during registration (default). This will allow users to immediately select their preferred timezone setting during account registration.

If you would like to adjust your EthosCE site’s preferred timezone configuration options, please open up a support ticket.