Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Videos can be embedded from a third-party provider. We currently support Brightcove, Vimeo, or YouTubeany provider that supports oEmebed. If you need a provider added, please open a support ticket.

  1. Navigate to content.
  2. Click "Edit."
  3. Click the add media icon in the WYSIWYG editor:  
  4. Click "Web."
  5. Type in or copy and paste in the URL of the video to embed.
  6. Click "Submit."
  7. Leave Display as the default. Click "Submit" again.
  8. Click "Save."



If the EthosCE site has a secure connection (SSL / URL begins with https://), and the video URL is http, it will need to be made secure in order to work as embedded. Check with the third party vendor to ensure they support SSL.