Payload Manipulation

The default for payload structure is to load the full field values for the first level of simple field types (text, select boxes, radio buttons, etc). More complex field types like the field collections (Profile Boards) or entity references (Course ACCME Data), will display a reference to that additional data type. Using additional parameters you can both load additional data, or limit what is returned.

Additional data (load-entity-ref=ENTITY_TYPE)

Using the load-entity-ref parameter, you can load additional data types in the initial return. Any field returning an external entity can be instructed to load the additional data. You may also load multiple types by sending a comma separated list of entity types. For example, sending load-entity-refs=taxonomy_term,accme_data to the node.json endpoint will load both the taxonomy terms and ACCME data attached to all returned courses.

Limited data (full=0)

Alternatively, appending full=0 will only return reference URIs for the data types being requested. This may be helpful for quick checks made to verify a data record exists.


The following examples display a standard node payload, one that loads the ACCME data in the same call, and another that only loads individual reference URIs.


GET node.json?nid=171

Load course node 171

{ "self": "", "first": "", "last": "", "list": [ { "og_group_ref": { "uri": "", "id": "809", "resource": "node", "uuid": "5b775ea0-55f6-4307-82c1-3a140b67630d" }, "field_course_rating_access": "none", "uc_product_image": [], "field_accreditation": [], "field_course_catalog": false, "field_course_category": [], "field_course_completion_message": [], "field_course_date": { "value": "1270069200", "value2": "1333339199", "duration": 63269999 }, "field_course_disclosure": [], "field_course_event_date": [], "field_course_external_url":[], "field_course_format": [ { "uri": "", "id": "5", "resource": "taxonomy_term", "uuid": "c70663fd-e26a-4aee-9f96-70236748d82e" } ], "field_course_image": [], "field_course_intro": [], "field_course_live": false, "field_course_location": [], "field_course_password": null, "field_course_rating": [], "field_course_restrict_role": [], "field_course_summary": { "value": "<p>A course description</p>", "summary": "", "format": "full_html" }, "field_course_transcript": true, "field_enrollment_requirement_min": null, "field_enrollment_requirements": [], "field_faculty_credentials": [], "field_hardware_software": [], "field_hotel_information": [], "field_hotel_link": [], "field_hotel_photo": [], "field_hotel_travel": [], "field_learning_objectives": [], "field_program": [], "field_registration_instructions": [], "field_related_courses": [], "field_requirements_max": null, "field_requirements_min": null, "field_show_child_catalog": null, "field_show_child_transcript": null, "field_target_audience": [], "field_venue_phone": [], "upload": [], "field_accme_data": { "uri": "", "id": "21", "resource": "accme_data" }, "field_show_on_calendar": false, "field_course_exhibitor": [], "field_course_qualifiers": [], "field_course_image_cards": [], "field_income_expense": [], "field_custom_article_type": null, "field_custom_authors": null, "field_custom_citation": ";", "og_membership": [ { "uri": "", "id": 2124, "resource": "og_membership" } ], "og_membership__1": [ { "uri": "", "id": 2124, "resource": "og_membership" } ], "og_membership__2": [], "og_membership__3": [], "og_group_ref__og_membership": [ { "uri": "", "id": 2124, "resource": "og_membership" } ], "og_group_ref__og_membership__1": [ { "uri": "", "id": 2124, "resource": "og_membership" } ], "og_group_ref__og_membership__2": [], "og_group_ref__og_membership__3": [], "flag_course_bookmark_user": [], "model": "course_171", "list_price": "0.00000", "cost": "0.00000", "sell_price": "0.00000", "price": "0.00000", "weight": "0", "weight_units": "lb", "length": "0", "width": "0", "height": "0", "length_units": "in", "pkg_qty": "1", "ordering": "0", "shippable": "0", "nid": "171", "vid": "3239", "is_new": false, "type": "course", "title": "Test Course", "language": "und", "url": "", "edit_url": "", "status": "0", "promote": "0", "sticky": "0", "created": "1657910308", "changed": "1695117648", "author": { "uri": "", "id": "441", "resource": "user", "uuid": "84bb5c7f-8a11-4a21-85c1-b5d7170d0d62" }, "log": "", "revision": null, "course": { "uri": "", "id": "171", "resource": "course" }, "book_ancestors": [], "comment": "1", "comments": [], "comment_count": "0", "comment_count_new": "0", "body": [], "feeds_item_guid": null, "feeds_item_url": null, "feed_nid": null, "relation_faculty_user": [], "uuid": "9e401dbb-de30-4525-90e7-13ac9f1cff7d", "vuuid": "175e3ccb-31f2-4bed-b00d-26e547af8241" } ] }

Load Entity References

GET node.json?nid=171&load-entity-refs=accme_data

Load course node 171, including any linked ACCME data.

{ "self": "", "first": "", "last": "", "list": [ { "og_group_ref": { "uri": "", "id": "809", "resource": "node", "uuid": "5b775ea0-55f6-4307-82c1-3a140b67630d" }, "field_course_rating_access": "none", "uc_product_image": [], "field_accreditation": [], "field_course_catalog": false, "field_course_category": [], "field_course_completion_message": [], "field_course_date": { "value": "1270069200", "value2": "1333339199", "duration": 63269999 }, "field_course_disclosure": [], "field_course_event_date": [], "field_course_external_url":[], "field_course_format": [ { "uri": "", "id": "5", "resource": "taxonomy_term", "uuid": "c70663fd-e26a-4aee-9f96-70236748d82e" } ], "field_course_image": [], "field_course_intro": [], "field_course_live": false, "field_course_location": [], "field_course_password": null, "field_course_rating": [], "field_course_restrict_role": [], "field_course_summary": { "value": "<p>A course description</p>", "summary": "", "format": "full_html" }, "field_course_transcript": true, "field_enrollment_requirement_min": null, "field_enrollment_requirements": [], "field_faculty_credentials": [], "field_hardware_software": [], "field_hotel_information": [], "field_hotel_link": [], "field_hotel_photo": [], "field_hotel_travel": [], "field_learning_objectives": [], "field_program": [], "field_registration_instructions": [], "field_related_courses": [], "field_requirements_max": null, "field_requirements_min": null, "field_show_child_catalog": null, "field_show_child_transcript": null, "field_target_audience": [], "field_venue_phone": [], "upload": [], "field_accme_data": { "field_accme": false, "field_accme_activity_duration": [], "field_accme_activity_id": null, "field_accme_activity_title": null, "field_accme_activity_type": null, "field_accme_boards": [], "field_accme_city": null, "field_accme_country": "USA", "field_accme_description": null, "field_accme_has_activity_id": false, "field_accme_joint_sponsorship": [], "field_accme_moc": false, "field_accme_pars": false, "field_accme_pars_create_date": null, "field_accme_pars_update_date": null, "field_accme_participation_fee": null, "field_accme_provider_id": null, "field_accme_registration": null, "field_accme_specialty": [], "field_accme_sponsorship": "Direct", "field_accme_state": null, "field_accme_support": false, "field_ama_learning_format": null, "field_accme_credits": [], "field_accme_pharm_activity_topic": null, "field_accme_pharm_activity_type": null, "field_accme_pharmacy_dates": [], "field_accme_profession": [], "field_accme_abamco": [], "field_accme_commendation_tags": [], "field_accme_delivery_methods": [], "field_accme_for_public_list": null, "field_accme_is_interprofessional": false, "field_accme_measured_outcomes": [], "field_accme_mips": false, "field_accme_postal_code": null, "field_accme_credit_claim_date": null, "id": "21", "type": "accme_data", "title": "", "changed": "1685559745", "feeds_item_guid": null, "feeds_item_url": null, "feed_nid": null }, "field_show_on_calendar": false, "field_course_exhibitor": [], "field_course_qualifiers": [], "field_course_image_cards": [], "field_income_expense": [], "field_custom_article_type": null, "field_custom_authors": null, "field_custom_citation": ";", "og_membership": [ { "uri": "", "id": 2124, "resource": "og_membership" } ], "og_membership__1": [ { "uri": "", "id": 2124, "resource": "og_membership" } ], "og_membership__2": [], "og_membership__3": [], "og_group_ref__og_membership": [ { "uri": "", "id": 2124, "resource": "og_membership" } ], "og_group_ref__og_membership__1": [ { "uri": "", "id": 2124, "resource": "og_membership" } ], "og_group_ref__og_membership__2": [], "og_group_ref__og_membership__3": [], "flag_course_bookmark_user": [], "model": "course_171", "list_price": "0.00000", "cost": "0.00000", "sell_price": "0.00000", "price": "0.00000", "weight": "0", "weight_units": "lb", "length": "0", "width": "0", "height": "0", "length_units": "in", "pkg_qty": "1", "ordering": "0", "shippable": "0", "nid": "171", "vid": "3239", "is_new": false, "type": "course", "title": "Test Course", "language": "und", "url": "", "edit_url": "", "status": "0", "promote": "0", "sticky": "0", "created": "1657910308", "changed": "1695117648", "author": { "uri": "", "id": "441", "resource": "user", "uuid": "84bb5c7f-8a11-4a21-85c1-b5d7170d0d62" }, "log": "", "revision": null, "course": { "uri": "", "id": "171", "resource": "course" }, "book_ancestors": [], "comment": "1", "comments": [], "comment_count": "0", "comment_count_new": "0", "body": [], "feeds_item_guid": null, "feeds_item_url": null, "feed_nid": null, "relation_faculty_user": [], "uuid": "9e401dbb-de30-4525-90e7-13ac9f1cff7d", "vuuid": "175e3ccb-31f2-4bed-b00d-26e547af8241" } ] }

Return references only

GET node.json?nid=171&full=0

Verify if a course node has the 171, returning it’s URI for later use.

{ "self": "", "first": "", "last": "", "list": [ { "uri": "", "id": 171, "resource": "node", "uuid": "9e401dbb-de30-4525-90e7-13ac9f1cff7d" } ] }