Attaching a file

This page describes how to attach a file to a course landing page. For adding files as course content see Link to a file.

Step-by-step guide

To attach a file to a course landing page:

  1. Navigate to the course.

  2. Click "EDIT."

  3. Click "File attachments."

  4. Click "Choose file" and select a file.

  5. Click "Upload."

  6. Type in the description of the file in the "Description" field.

  7. Check the "Display" checkbox if the file is to be displayed on the course landing page. If left unchecked, the file will not display. (See below for linking)

  8. Click "Save" button.

  9. More than one file attachment can be uploaded. Use the handle icon to re-order the files for display on the course landing page.


To remove a file to a course landing page:

  1. Navigate to the course.

  2. Click "EDIT."

  3. Click "File attachments."

  4. Click "Remove" for the file to be removed.

Linking to a File that is not displayed.

If you prefer to link to files that have been uploaded, rather than having a list of files displayed at the bottom of the page, these steps help.

  1. Once a file has been uploaded, right click the hyperlinked file name and select "Copy Link Address"

  2. Select the text in your page body that you want to link

  3. Click the hyperlink icon to create a link.

  4. In the URL field, paste the link from #1 above.

  5. Click "Save" button.